Monday, February 11, 2008

The Griswolds Are Off To Maui

The Griswolds leave bright & early tomorrow morning for our Maui trip! Clark thinks I've gone over the deep end trying to think of things to entertain Rusty for the 8 hour flight. We're making a paper chain today...each link will represent 1/2 hour incriments of the flight. I say it will help Rusty grasp how much time is left during the flight. Clark just laughs, says I'm a great Mommy, even though I'm a bit nutty.
We'll do our best to update this site daily...I won't be updating our other blogs during vacation since I don't want the entire Blogosphere to know we're not home!
So feel free to check in here instead of the other blogs to get your Family Fix. Here, we're the mysterious on another adventure :)

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